A thread:
I’ve been rewatching the newest Star Wars Trilogy in between releases of the #Mandalorian and ran into a potential(?) discrepancy (surprise). I’ll preface this by saying that, yes, Jabrams Jabrams Abrams @jjabrams was given quite the task after TLJ. /1
Personally, I only had minor qualms with TLJ. The bar for me enjoying a movie is relatively low, regardless of any narrative critique I may walk away with. I think @rianjohnson delivered a compelling 2nd installment to a fan base of a franchise with more narrative baggage /2
than most in existence. The purpose of this thread is not to defend TLJ or its decisions. I just want to lead with the obligatory “yes, I know the trilogy was directed by very different, if not clashing, creatives, and I know that @jjabrams either worked with what he had /3
on Rise of Skywalker, or pivoted from some TLJ decisions to arrive where he already was heading.” I just want to ask a lore-specific question that seems locked in by (one of) the big reveals from RoS; namely, Palpanstein spilling on the prestige of an old Sith trick /4
that seems to explain, once and for all, why the old bat was always trying to goad current or potential apprentices with the occasional “you want to kill me,” or the off-hand “strike me down with your weapon,” and “feel your anger.” It wasn’t a bluff—it’s the whole trick. /5
So, in a stadium-beneath-a-city-sized-pyramid inexplicably filled with Sith cultists, we learn that the goad was a ritual for some kind of Dark Side body-jumping, immortality schtick. Fine, I’m on board. So here’s the question: /6
From the cloning bits we’ve seen in #TheMandalorian and the reveal from old boy Palp that he either made and/or was Snoke (provable by Snoke 2.0 floating in some test tube on Exagol), why, in TLJ, does Kylo Ren’s bisecting of Snoke not fulfill the requirements for this ritual? /7
When Adam Driver’s lovestruck, helmetless Ren does his clever force-saber slice ‘n dice, Snoke doesn’t jump into his body. Snoke’s an incredibly powerful force user, so even as some kind of clone/host for Palps, did that not count? That’s the question. Why did that not count? /8
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