Spoiler alert: I got covid. So I'm well familiar with treating it and preventing it. You won't like this as it goes against the media narrative. I've studied all the data and I'm going to teach you how to stay out of the hospital and avoid the ICU.

1/8 First off, covid hits those who are obese, over the age of 80, and 4 or more comorbidities the hardest. It's not an automatic death sentence however, it still has an avg survival rate of 99.9%. This well established fact has been replaced with irrational fear.
2/8 Other than lose the weight and take better care of your health, there are some preventative steps.
1. Take zinc and Vit D3
2. Take afrin and flonase 10 minutes apart daily. The preservatives kill the viral load. My doc has been using this 5 months now seeing covid patients
3. Take 20mg pepcid daily
4. Masks don't do much if anything, so don't put all your eggs in that basket.
5. Best defense from a large viral load is air ventilation

Now what if you get it, what do you do to stay out of the hospital?
4/8 Upon feeling symptoms, you must start the following within the first 3 days of infection to reduce viral load:
1. HCQ 200mg day, Zinc 30mg day, and Azithromycin
2. Vitamin C, D3, some say quinine, and Rhinocort (Budesonide)

The purpose is to reduce the severity of symptoms.
5/8 All of the above were found in literature of multiple studies. As a scientist I read them all and take notes. The above cocktail worked for me and Jodi when we contacted covid in Cancun.
6/8 Symptoms: I'd compare to a mod cold or mild flu. Back/body aches, lethargic, loss of appetite, muted taste, low grade fever or borderline hypothermia, nausea, dry cough, minor congestion. All were intermittent and nagging for up to 2 weeks. Never felt need to go to ER.
7/8 Jodi and I are middle aged, excellent health, pristine diet and exercise. So our outcome was likely more favorable due to our initial conditions. The supplements reduced viral load and allowed our immune system to do what it was designed to do.
8/8 If everyone would take the above advice, I'm confident there would be far less hospital admissions and severe cases. Remember, you can control your health and outcome. Don't put yourself in a position to have others make decisions for you. Hang in there, this too shall pass.
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