Treasure charted better in Apple Music Korea and not on kcharts. Its harder to chart in Apple music korea since knetz mainstream music sites is MelOn.

(No hate with the artist, just using it as an example) StayC debuted at #6 in melon searches while TREASURE always come at #1 ++
But StayC debuted in the brand reputation and TREASURE is nowhere to be found on the list.

Not to mention, youtube has been freezing TREASURE'S MV everytime they had a chance🙂 taking away 100k views every few hours
TREASURE charting in 93 charts worldwide but not in korea👉👈
And if knetz doesn't really care for TREASURE then why tf is korea top 5 in the highest votes by country in MAMA
TREASURE charting on billboard 69 days before debut, 700k sales, Second to the highest followed twitter acc for rookie group, Dozens of Articles everytime they go out public

But they still be nowhere to be found in the Brand Reputation ranking lol
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