A thread on key urban guerrilla warfare tactics.

In Blood in My Eye, Marxist Leninist revolutionary George Jackson spelled out these key tactics in urban guerrilla warfare: Mobility, Infiltration, Ambush, Camouflage, and Autonomous Infrastructure. 1/13
Mobility: in all guerrilla warfare mobility is important but in urban environments it's different. Things like bicycles are actually important: a road can easily be damaged enough to stop a car but not a bike. Staying mobile, striking fast and getting out is vital. 2/13
The way protestors in the US approach mobility is the opposite of how they should. Don't line up against the cops and get kettled in. Strike something and leave immediately. Not getting caught is the most important thing. 3/13
Infiltration: this is something we barely ever talk about doing proactively and its so stupid. Why do we act like it's something only dumbass pigs and fash can do? Infiltration is vital for knowing your enemy, learning what disheartens them, and taking their stuff. 4/13
The big institutions like police and military have a great weakness: it's not that hard to join, and they depend on people not turning on them from within. Fash have another weakness: they don't fucking read so learning their talking points takes days. 5/13
Making the cops and fash afraid of infiltration is also an easy goal to achieve with just a few small wins, and gives us something to propagandize back. I'd never tell a marginalized comrade they *need* to infiltrate, but I quietly celebrate those who do. 6/13
Camouflage: urban environments offer camouflage not possible in jungles. If youre in an area where guerrillas operate in the mountains of Peru you can be killed at will, but cops cant do that in a city. Normal looking people operating in all areas is a huge stressor to pigs. 7/13
This is another thing protestors get wrong all the time. Black bloc hides your identity but also singles you out. Dressing up like a couple of nurses or construction workers you can become invisible. Get in, do the work, get out before you're noticed. 8/13
Another camouflage is life camo. Operate in social organizations like churches and local lib volunteer groups. Look harmless. If you're carrying something questionable dress "nicely." Drive the speed limit. Don't go to a protest and throw a molotov with a shirt from etsy. 9/13
Ambush: quick actions where you go out and do something without anyone but the group knowing in advance is the only type of action for us. Protestors sending out fliers with locations and dates mean cops are always ready. Make them think you'll be one place, hit another. 10/13
Autonomous infrastructure: disruption of the main culture is a revolutionary goal. This means we have to be able to do things for the people that the current government does. Mass work can start with food security, education, and clothes, but should extend. 11/13
People's hospitals, banks, transportation, and armies are eventual goals. In the mean time looting is an important and valid tactic. Minor looting during uprisings is valid, but more large scale looting and of non-consumer goods should be considered. 12/13
Some of this sounds like LARPing and some like far future stuff we shouldn't worry about. The point is to begin thinking in these terms now. Stop going to protests and making the same mistakes over and over. Tie your organizing into serious end goals and long term plans. 13/13
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