Definitely. I have a thing where...I don't know how to describe it except "words are hard"

And like, technically I can usually force myself to speak in those situations?

But I often don't say what I actually want to say, and also then I can't really talk for a day
Or like often even when words are hard, I can talk to my cats because they care more about tone of voice than what I'm actually saying

(Tho I have called a cat by the other cat's nickname in this state before, and the cat noticed but forgave me.)
I end up feeling really rude, because sometimes family members see me talking to the cats and assume I have hit the point where I can have a conversation with other humans

And I can fake it while we're relying on social scripts (how are you? etc)
But then if I try to be polite, that person just launches into full words. Like, here's a series of important information that you will need later

And I keep being like, please just email it to me or text me, but idk I guess this feels impersonal?
So now in back to being very firm about my morning boot- up non-speaking time

Because, we've talked about how I need this, like, a lot

So I basically either say "no words!" with an extremely flat affect and no volume control
Or I make like, the sound of a hard drive stalling

Because that doesn't take much effort, and also I think is a very expressive demonstration of how my brain feels
Part of why I need this gradual easing into speaking (like, an hour or two) is I think just how my brain works

But also I have a bunch of self care I have to do in the morning, and if I get distracted then I lose track and do stuff like forget my meds
Anyway, if you enjoyed this thread about the grey areas between speaking and non-speaking

I highly recommend this essay from @bennessb on dynamic disability
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