2. Funding shouldn't be shifted from "earned media" -- traditional media ain't dead -- but from Dem TV ads. (objectively useless in General elections. Crazy how Dem surge of cash in the last 3 months yielded NO positive movement. (2/x)
3. We need vastly punchier Dem leadership.
4. The center-left and left are getting CRUSHED among people of color online. Trump's exec actions mattered, but his "actions" (e.g., Dem aspects of CARES) & style resonate due to synergy with aggressive digital efforts. (3/x)
6. Not every quoted expert is speaking in good faith, and/but not every eager self-promoter is wrong. e.g., there was too much skepticism about what some of the smarter Latino voting experts were saying throughout 2020. (5/x)
7. The crushing of ThinkProgress really was criminal, esp in light of amounts of $ set on fire producing banal repetitive TV ads about pre-existing conditions. Dems need provocative messaging people repeat in their social media feeds & IRL. Less polished focus grouped gruel. 6/x
8. Dem leadership's #LearnedHelplessness is demobilizing. Pelosi strategy for 2020 was pasivity. No remote voting + House out of session for 2 months at COVID onset! Pelosi had final sign-off on subpoenas, KILLING OVERSIGHT. Heroes Act termed "messaging bill" by her staff. (7/x)
The error avoidance fixation of Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden reflects learning all too well the political lessons of the 1980s & 1990s. Set in their ways pols do not understand the risk/reward of modern media. (8/x)
9. BTW, 2020 was a CALAMITOUS election. (edistricting and downballot losses make GA irrelevant to that assessment, even as the Senate would be a good thing to control. So yeah, I'm happy Biden won, but Trump is the worst president ever & a 4 point margin over fascism sucks. (9/x)
11. My son really enjoys historical SNL political parodies, so I recently rewatched Dukakis clinically describe his overwhelming, and entirely invisible, passionate anger.

The Democrats response to Trump's corruption and incompetence was no more human....
If Trump and Barr are a threat to rule of law... Act like it!

If Trump's executive branch is killing people... Act like it.

Passion matters on social media. And lack of passion suggests the criticisms are insincere.

Trump's anger enhances perceptions that he is honest....
Democrats' lack of visible anger makes their critiques seem perfunctory.

Watch Jon Lovitz as Dukakis and explain to me how Pelosi et al are doing better... He lost, don't be like the (very decent and very smart but losing) Dukakis! https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/abc-campaign-88/n9702
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