don't unfollow me for this thread i'm trying to make my friend's life miserable. feel free to unfollow me for any other cardinal sins i commit. thank you. @watercupx this is for you
leon is white-coded because his hair is straight and purple, which is only a natural hair color for caucasians
raihan is se asian coded because he has eyebrows and black people don't have those. i'm black and can confirm
nessa is only a supermodel because of nepotism. she can't pose to save her life. all she does is stand there and look hot without putting in any work. her eyes aren't even blue they're yellow and people just can't see
sonia is a rip-off of merida from brave. same character down to the bedazzled teal fashion boots
first of all her name is sonja put some respeck on this ukranian queen's name
pokemon is a feminist game because women are always slandered as like sluts who slept their way to success but this time it was piers
the kill la kill is feminist powerpoint but tailored to pokemon swsh instead
i've peaked with this tweet so end thread but i think this thread has more than enough reasons why you should play pokemon swsh. nintendo hire me to market/promote your games. i'm a creative thinker and clearly a graphic designer as well
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