havin a talk with trappin gang people
we've kinda come to the conclusion that.. we're kinda just a bunch of dickheads

we essentially just harass/bully people n laugh @ it like its w/e but i think we're all at the point where we're realizing it's fucked up and there's ppl behind these screens that we're making fun of
this toxic atmosphere is really doing worse on all of us and it's essentially just a circlejerk

i don't feel clean doing this stuff anymore and we're jus collectively agreeing we should really put this stuff to rest
like even b4 i joined "trappin gang" and started talking to people in it i made fun of people like ink but i think us hanging around each other and just encouraging such behavior has made it way worse for everyone, including myself
tl;dr we're kinda just coming to terms with the shit we do and we don't really want to continue with making fun of and/or harassing people just for fun

shits toxic as fuck
and i wanna clarify this isn't just about whatever happened earlier; we've been doing this typa stuff for weeks/months
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