As a rule of thumb, having your arguments called “stitched together” like Frankenstein’s monster means things are going poorly.
It’s not great for your standing theory when the judge can’t discern what it is and has to “embark” on an extensive project. There’s an old case that says “judges aren’t pigs, who have to sniff out truffles” - same thing.
Here’s the Judge’s discussion of the case the dude sitting next to Rudy came up with at the last minute, claiming it addressed “competitive standing.”

Behold, it doesn’t!
In addition the destroying the Trump campaign’s made-up standing theory, the judge also brutalizes their equal protection claim on the merits. Good for him!
The Judge is not very interested in disenfranchising all of Pennsylvania under a hallucinatory reading of Bush v Gore.
This is so humiliating.
And the motion to amend the complaint Rudy didn’t even understand he had to file is denied.
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