SHERANE: Kendrick starts the story wanting to get with this girl, he’s looking for short term bliss because nothing is promised in Compton. Kendrick is borrowing his mom’s van, so she calls him. She’s left on voicemail and warns him not to mess with “hood rats” like “Sherane.”
BDKMV/BACKSEAT FREESTYLE: On “BDKMV” modern day Kendrick is looking at hip hop and saying he doesn’t want to be a cliche. The story goes on through the phone call skit at the end. “Backseat Freestyle” is just that. Kendrick and his homies start the day freestyling in the backseat
THE ART OF PEER PRESSURE: Going against his morals, Kendrick smokes and drinks with his homies. Under the influence, they decide to rob a house that they’ve been staking for a while. They barely manage to get away from the cops. It’s also revealed that Kendrick’s blunt was laced.
MONEY TREES: This is Kendrick after the drugs and alcohol have worn off. He realizes what he’s done and he knows that he will be punished. He thinks that if he could start living right, he could die a martyr.
POETIC JUSTICE: The sound in the beginning is a call back to Sherane. While meeting with Sherane, Kendrick is jumped by these men just because of where he grew up. Morally conflicted, Kendrick realizes this is the punishment he was going to eventually face. It’s karma.
GOOD KID/ M.A.A.D CITY: Beaten up, Kendrick realizes he needs to change. He questions how he’ll make it out if he has to choose between gang sets. “M.A.A.D. city” continues this, Kendrick is torn because if he doesn’t choose a set, where does he belong?
SWIMMING POOLS/SAMIDOT: Coping with the pressure of daily life, Kendrick becomes addicted to alcohol. SAMIDOT tells us the story of the many people that fell victim to life in Compton. Kendrick looks to god at the end to help him out of this lifestyle. (CHECK MY POST ON SAMIDOT)
REAL/COMPTON: Kendrick has completely questioned everything he thought was important like money, power and respect. Real is realizing the real responsibilities which are helping his family and community, thus the last track being “Compton.”
All in all, it’s a perfect album with some of the best storytelling we’ve ever seen. You can pretty much imagine this whole album and understand the lifestyle that most people have to live in Compton. Another masterpiece of an album in Kendrick’s discography.
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