Curfox continues by saying the Man is Marin's brother, and he's been a fugitive and illuding police for years. He's been harassing Ted's family ever since Marin married Seal it's been non stop. Amana hugs Curfox and starts bawling crying "I DIDN'T MEAN TO CAUSE TED TO RUN OFF,->
HE PROBABLY HATES MY GUTS RIGHT NOW!" Curfox tries calming down Amana by saying "I know things are terrible right now for him and his family, but you can always talk to him tommorrow. You can also text or call him, you have a cellphone." Amana stops crying and lets go of curfox>
//Gonna continue writing this tommorrow. Catching Z time.
//Continuing now, but I just wanted to share a group sketch of several of my characters I plan to fully finalize and color eventually. As you can tell I obviously started doing the finished line work on the robot first lol.
Amana then does an over dramatic pose and says dramatically "But father, how can I bear to talk to him after I made him weep tears of agony from talking about the horrid murder of his father?" Curfox folds his arms edgily and says over dramatically "Daughter, you love him, go-->
to him in his time of need. He needs you now more than ever. Afterwards do your homework, the Hammond family line values good education." Amana then points at curfox over confidently "This homework you speak of, I DIDN'T RECEIVE ANY TODAY!" Curfox gasps "But how,-->
your history teacher always hands out homework every day!" Amana smugly grins "We had a substitute today." Curfox pretends to fall over and says "EVERY TEACHER'S WEAKNESS! NOOOOOOOOOO!" Amana laughs and Curfox gets back up laughing as well. Curfox replies to Amana by saying--->
"Alright, that's enough, go try to cheer up your friend and potential boyfriend." Amana then says "Will do dad." Amana goes to her room and calls Ted. Ted picks up on the phone. Ted says over the phone is a mellow tone "Hey Amana." Amana replies by saying "I'm sorry about->
pressuring you like that. I understand if hate me right now. I didn't know what happened, and I was just concerned about you." Ted replies by saying "It's....fine....I just want some sleep right now. We can talk more about it at school." Amana replies to Ted saying-->
"No problem Ted, and hey, just like how your mom was wanting to kick the teacher's asses that one day, you kick life's ass just as hard." Ted replies "Thanks. I wish my mom was taking it like that right now though. Amana, are you still taking therapy?" Amana replies "Not as-->
much as I used to. I partially have you to thank for that." Ted replies "I wish I could be a therapist. Maybe it'd help me feel better than I do now." Amana replies saying "If you develop self therapy as an ability, show me how to spec into that." Ted laughs. Ted replies "Well-->
I'm going to sleep. I'll see you tommorrow sorry for avoiding you yesterday." Amana replies understandingly "I can definitely see why you did. Get some good sleep dude. Goodbye." Amana and Ted hang up. Amana spends some time playing video games and goes to bed. The next day-->
Amana meets Ted at break at school. He still looks depressed, but not as much as he was the previous day. Amana speaks to Ted and says "Hey Ted." Ted replies back "Hey Amana." Ted speaks again and asks "I don't know if I ever did, but have I ever told you what my dad was working>
on?" Amana tries to recall but couldn't think of anything. Amana replies to Ted "We've never talked about your parents other than your mom." Ted replies "I guess that is true, we should talk about our parents more often." Amana replies "You might already know my dad."-->
Ted replies "I don't actually." This bewilders Amana. Amana reply's surprised "People bully me all the time about him, I walk go home in his car everyday and sometimes spend time talking to him on his lunch break. How do you not know him?" Ted begins to look nervous. He replies->
"Well...I never saw him driving you in his car, and I usually eat in the cafiteria but never see you. I see people still bullying you time to time and help you stand up to them when I can, but I didn't know people bullied you as well because you're dad works here." Ted->
feels really embarrassed he ligitimitaly doesn't know who Amana's father is. Amana facepalms. Amana answers Ted by saying "My class eats lunch earlier than yours, I usually go outside to play play games on my phone during that time or see my father in the teacher's lounge." Ted->
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