So, here's my story about why it is not appropriate, or useful, to make up with people who voted for #45. Telling this with my friends permission.
My friends mother has had serious health issues, is in her 70's and needs home health care to get her out of bed, bathe, etc. They are in a southern state, but not deep south. He hires a home health care service, and they send an aide (white) out on Wend. My friends mom is white.
First day goes great. Mom really likes the aide, in her 40's, they chop it up. Next day, aide shows up, and somehow in the conversation, my friend's mom said she voted for Biden. UHOH. Home health aide voted for Trump. She proceeds to harangue my friends mom for an hour.
Mom is upset. Come to find out, Trump aide only puts her mask on when arriving at Mom's apartment. Doesn't wear one otherwise. Mom asks her can we not talk about politics anymore, we were doing great.. but Trump aide keeps talking about how she should have voted for Trump.
Trump aide shows up for the third day, no mask, and my friend tells her to go home and calls the service. They are upset, obviously, and say that they will not send Trump home health aide to home anymore.
I mean, WTF??? How are you calling yourself a home health aide and you won't wear a mask except in your clients house? And to top it off, you harangue her with conspiracy theory BS about your orange lord and savior? NOPE. Couldn't be my mom. I'd catch a case.
Anyone who thinks you are going to make nice with a Trump supporter right now is WRONG. They don't get it. They don't want to be nice to you. They want to make you bend to their will and worldview about Trump, the virus, all of it. Quit telling us to make nice with them.
People who don't believe the virus is deadly, or real, or think that Trump had the election stolen from him or believe in Q are not working in a relatable, relational reality right now. They are in denial, or worse, don't even recognize reality because they are where they are.
Stop trying to reason with people who don't want reason. They want the world to be what they believe it to be. They are their own baseline for reality. All of us have to watch out for this, but I submit to you, die hards who support Trump are not going to buy anything you say.
Let go of the notion that we have to be nice, or cordial, or even try to reach across the aisle. They will never do the same for you. I know, not very Christian of me, but I've never pretended to be perfect. It's not your job to change people who just want to be who they are.
That, my friends, is the hardest lesson I've had to learn in this pandemic. Some folks are never going to be able to understand that the world has changed, the man they believed in ain't worth shit, doesn't give a damn about them, or anyone else in the world either.
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