I find this a little grotesque. The fact that there's more anger at Snow and how she exposed someone's lies than at the person who lied? The person who lied about their family and the Holocaust is easily forgiven, while the person who exposed that lie has their identity denied?
(I am not even delving more into the Medium piece and how deeply misguided it is--if we're being charitable--or how clearly honest it is in the author's admissions.)
If your response to "hey, someone pointed out that my Jewish friend's claims to her family having fled from N*zis and the Holocaust" is to say "well, the person who pointed this out must not be Jewish and must not have lost family in the Holocaust," well, take a look at yourself.
Oh, and the beauty of all of this (if you can put it that way)? Plenty of people were willing to show their entire ass here in public, so you can see for yourself if you want to make up your own mind. Don't worry, Snow has receipts.
And if you're response to my saying that is "But Snow is an anon account? How do we know she's really a Jew? How do we know she's really a scholar?" Then you can fuck right the fuck off.
There are literally hundreds of other anon accounts here of people who claim to be academics who *haven't* had their credentials questions. I have a fucking breakfast burrito as my avi and like to make dick jokes with friends on my anon. And people take me somewhat seriously.
And you know what? It's probably *because* I have a picture of a breakfast burrito as my avi, and not my legs. (Which are not as nice as Snow's, let's be honest.) It's because I am not a sex worker.
If I said, "hey, I am not a sex worker but am friends with sex workers and have patronized sex workers," would that change your opinion of anything I have posted here--or anything else on this account? Then examine your own assumptions.
And if I said that and you responded "well, he is just saying that because he's Dr/Mistress Snow's sub and not because she has anything valid to say," then you REALLY, REALLY need to check your assumptions.
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