Everybody these days is in search of happiness, but then do we know where to find it? Is it in money? In the people that we surround ourselves with? Or the work that we indulge ourselves in, every single day? Happiness is subjective, it differs per everyone’s perception.
To a baby, happiness is breastfeeding and a good sleep. To a child in USA, happiness is being taken to Disney land, while somewhere in the world, another child happiness is to have food in the plate. Happiness is dictated by the standards that the society has imposed.
The community that you hail from also contribute to things that you think will bring happiness. With all these differences, to what happiness means to us, the end goal tastes the same to all of us.
After acquiring that thing that makes you happy, everyone would have reached to their goal destination.
Personally I have realized that happiness disguise itself in the little things that we take for granted. It is in the ideology that nothing lasts forever and we are all prone to change. The freedom of walking your own path, dancing to the beat of your own drum, that’s happiness.
Doing what sets your heart on fire, being the you that no one else can achieve. If you reach that point in life, be it having the money that you have always wanted, or going to that destination that you have always dreamt of; then we call that happiness.
Whatever that your heart chooses to be the epitome of success, something that you have done that would have surpassed other actions in satisfaction. When you reach that point when you are content with the little that you have, that’s also happiness.
When you don’t see the need of faking it till you make it, or need of being approved by others. When you find this feeling, stick to it, nurture it, grow it and if possible, share it to others.
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