ok, i woke up to a bunch of messages and emails asking how to be more inclusive. it's really simple, so stay with me:

- the preferred term is "disability," full stop.
- if you don't know, say so.
- ask the people who know from direct experience. listen. ask. listen. ask. listen.
i have cerebral palsy. i can't speak directly on sia's bs. that's why @alainaskeys had the mic. but! instead of covering this from a non-disabled perspective—which is the case even if a non-disabled writer/editor has a disabled child/friend— @Refinery29 asked us to do it.
inclusion starts in the day-to-day. right now, it's about staying home, wearing a mask, consuming work from disabled sources. being open to getting it wrong and listening. bigger picture, in media at least, it's about hiring disabled talent to do the the job.
if you work in media, demand that changes are made to be more inclusive. you know who knows WFH best? disabled people. if you consume media, there's a birdie app that you can use to get in touch with gatekeepers to demand inclusion. trust me, it works.
You can follow @atthecrosswalk.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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