. @margarethodge pretending @charlotte2153 doesn't exist is entirely typical of how the self-appointed gatekeepers of the "Jewish community" pretend left-wing Jews don't exist.
It's important to note that this isn't accidental: Hodge has been Charlotte's colleague for the better part of a year. This is a deliberate, cynical strategy to falsely homogenise Jewish opinion.
It's the same with the Board, which claims to speak for all Jews when, just to start with, around 20% of Britain's Jews are Charedi & not affiliated with the Board. Many more remain institutionally unaffiliated precisely bc most mainstream Jewish institutions are right-wing.
Worth referring back to the eighth (and imo the most sinister) of the Board's 10 pledges, which actively attempt to marginalise left-wing Jewish groups by suggesting they are not "representative".
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