Stacey Stites was working extra hours at the HEB to save up for a wedding dress for her marriage to Jimmy Fennell, her mother said it was all she talked about.
On the way to a 3:30am shift, she stopped to help someone she saw on the side of the road - Rodeny Reed.

What she didn't know was that Rodney Reed had raped multiple women in the past, including a intellectual disabled woman and a 12 year-old child.
Stacey's body was later found in the wood after she didn't show up for work.

Her truck was found near where Reed lived.

His semen and saliva were found all over her body.
Initially, Reed told investigators he had no idea who Stacey was. During the murder trial, however, he changed his story and claimed he had been carrying on a secret affair with Stacy behind her fiancé, Jimmy Fennell’s back.
Stacey's sister said she was working late shifts to save up extra money to put toward the wedding.

She was in love with Fennell and had no interest or time to pursue an affair.
Today, Rodney Reed is defended by Dr Phil and Kim Kardashian.

They have never elevated the voices of Stacey's mother and sister.

Only their own narrative.
Here is the Supreme Court filing on Reed.

None of this information is on his Wikipedia page now.
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