“We’re all living in Amerika” –Rammstein (and @progrockfarmer)
Brazil might’ve just gotten its own George Floyd yesterday, coincidentally on Black Awareness Day.
João Alberto Freitas, 40, was killed by Carrefour supermarket security guards in the city of Porto Alegre, in an incident still not fully explained
He was beaten and asphyxiated, everything was caught on camera, and now the whole country is in turmoil
Of course, everything fits perfectly into the systemic racism narrative, a black man killed by two security guards after being followed inside the store, for the sole crime of “walking while black”
Obviously it makes no sense, being killed gratuitously for his skin color. A witness reported that he threw the first punch at one of the guards after an argument, but it’s still not confirmed by police. Of course, not that any of that matters, Truth doesn't exist anymore
What’s remarkable is how the incident and the events that followed feel so déjà vu for someone who observed closely the fiery but peaceful BLM riots in America earlier this year
João Alberto had a long criminal background, including drug possession, domestic violence, DUI, threats, illegal weapon carry…
He was killed by security guards by asphyxiation
His death was caught on camera
Reminds you of someone?
And now thousands have taken to the streets in dozens of big cities. Protesters chant “vidas pretas importam”, a literal translation of “black lives matter”. They even painted it on the asphalt in Avenida Paulista in São Paulo
It wouldn’t be complete without vandalism and looting, ofc. Rioters invaded Carrefour stores in many cities, sacked the places, and burned them
And now all institutions, public or private (big corps), every media and public figure, are calling for deep and significant reforms to put an end to ‘systemic racism’
It is all very fresh, events are unfolding fast, so it remains to be seen how far will the left push for changes, and how smart and brave will the right stand in the face of a possible bioleninist revolution.
Considering how the USA fared, prospects are not so good atm. But Brazil, despite its vulnerability to USA cultural trash, is still very unique, in that our history with race is more harmonic
All of it shows how far American globoh*mo ideology spreads and poisons other cultures, and how important it is for everyone in the world that this ideology is defeated
I will post any updates I believe are significant. Keep an eye out for Brazil. Right now, we keep on fighting!
You can follow @Chester6ft1.
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