Venus is in Scorpio and we're gonna talk about it!

Check the full blog post here
Venus in Scorpio is considered to be exiled, in its detriment, or in the sign of its antithesis

Basically that cute Venus shit don't work over in Scorpio land so Venus gets its ass handed to it
First, check this thread to re-orient how you think about Venus itself
Now let's think about Scorpio. It's a fixed water sign ruled by Mars

It's associated with things that are hidden, plotting, secrets, alchemy, poison, and medicine

Scorpio is the nocturnal sign of Mars, the planet of war. How do you kill someone on the low? Poison!
Water signs are generally associated with life and fertility but with Scorpio being ruled by Mars we have this water that isn't conducive to life

Alcohol aka "fire water" is a good example of how Scorpio can be both medicinal and poisonous
Anyone that's had a hangover before knows damn well alcohol consumption ain't good for your body

It burns your throat, makes you vomit, black out, damages your liver, etc etc

That shit ain't supporting life or growth
We often frame Life as the end all be all when in fact Death is what makes it even possible

Think about what you do when you get a cut. You clean the wound with alcohol to kill bacterial growth

You're using a poison to kill discriminately
Setting your wound on fire would also kill the bacteria but it would harm the fuck out of you

Acids, poisons, chemicals, and medicines are able to limit their destruction which is what allows them to ultimately support life
You know how alcohol/fire water is made?


Yeast, a bacteria, is encouraged to grow in organic material

Think about that for a second

95% of the time bacterial growth is what we DON'T want. It's why you have a refrigerator
Fermentation is exactly what Venus in Scorpio is all about

Growth and relation as a means of processing. Benefic decomposition. Life-affirming rot

Connecting with things that seem scary and bad can be amazing
You have to be observant and cautious when you're playing with fire tho

Botulism is what you get when you invite the wrong kind of bacterial growth into your preserved food and that shit can kill you

Venus in Scorpio has to manage that risk. Who do you let in?
Thinking about the ancient civilizations in which astrology was developed, food preservation was important af

There were no refrigerators. You either ate it before it went bad, dehydrated it (arguably Venus in Aries), or fermented it

That's it. Those are the options
Which means, these processes were an extremely integral part of daily life

If we think of Saturn's exaltation in Libra we see that Venus honors Saturn as the Lord of preservation

Saturn can be so cold and so barren as to prevent decay
We know much of astrology came from the Egyptians. What do we also know about the Egyptians?

That preservation was a huge part of the culture

That's what embalming is. Creating a state of unchanging
The takeaway for thinking about Venus in Scorpio is what bacteria (people) are you inviting into your food (life)?

How are you making sure they're yeast (medicinal) and not botulism (poison) when you can't see, smell, or taste the difference?
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