As America runs headlong into genetic vaccine production & perhaps implements state required vaccination of all citizens (per a 1905 Supreme Court ruling), there has been nearly ZERO talk on the long term safety or cellular interaction of mRNA vaccines which rewrite cells (cont.)
own natural production, thence to creating proteins, envisioned by the vax designers. This is unlike any typical vaccine which introduces your body to a weaken or dead form of a pathogen, and then your immune system naturally designs a defence. The mRNA vax hi-jacks your (cont.)
own cells to become production sites for producing a fake pathogen look-a-like, that will hopefully dupe your own body into building a immunological response to the real thing. While first tinkered with in veterinary medicine in the early 1990s, none of the 12 previous (cont.)
genetic vaccines were approved for human use. There are many questions like... What happens to the cells which are turned into faux virus production sites? Are they artificially programmed for cell death afterwards? Could these faux viruses have long term effects on other (cont.)
organs? What about interactions with other diseases and pathogens. Usually with a new vaccines, years go by in testing and experimentation. Then, u have a linear history of vaccinated patients u can track over years. We have none of this with these mRNA vaccines. To top (cont.)
off these concerns, these new mRNA vaccines of Moderna & Phizer are based on the complete DNA genetic profile of the pathogen, the work of which was supplied by The People's Rep. of China! So, we are talking about injecting ourselves with a Chinese based substance, (cont.)
completely artificial substance, that will alter the natural DNA controlled operations of our cells. It should be very concerning to all, yet there is nearly a peep in the media or medicine about the glaring and clear dangers and unknowns. I will not risk this vaccine. No thanks
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