This. Pro-abortion is a real sentiment whether people want to acknowledge it or not.
While I often don’t find it helpful to argue about abortion online, I will never waver from stating my views on the subject.
Many of you know I have held the hands of friends while they went through one. I have been there for others who saw it as their only option. I did not condone, but I supported them. Humans. Fallible as we all are, people struggling to come to terms with their situation.
I will love, pray, & be there every time. Sometimes there is a change of heart. Sometimes there isn’t. But despite my personal beliefs, these are not my choices to make. I have compassion for those that feel they are at a dead end. I hope I receive as much in other situations.
I only hope my friends are gracious enough to me as I seek to be to them when faced with immeasurable troubles, uncertainty, & hardship. I think the best thing we can do is be loving & good to people that make choices we don’t agree with. That is the best pro-life message.
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