u know what would have been another cute moshang extra? mbj frequenting an ding peak so much to visit sqh, the an ding disciples get used to him and goes starry-eyed when the cool, tall, powerful demon walks their hall with a regal air. mbj wont admit it, but he also grows fond+
sqh: [doing sect duties]
an ding disciples: uhh,,,so when is mobei-jun going to visit again?
sqh: [narrows eyes] why
an ding disciples: [sweating] s-so we'll be ready just in case he decides to take over the peak!
mbj: [getting ready to visit an ding peak]
servant: my lord why are you bringing so many bags
mbj: this is for shang qinghua
servant: [glancing at the toys spilling from the bags] what about the toy-
mbj: [glaring] this is for shang qinghua
mOBEI JUN TRAINING THE AN DING DISCIPLES. he hears the bai zhan peak making fun of an ding peak's flimsy disciples whos only 'good for chores' and mobei jun gets fcking LIVID
mbj: [mocks the an ding peak disciples during his visits, making fun of their 'fighting styles']
other peaks: [does the same]
mbj: who tf gave u the RIGHT btch.
an ding peak disciples gets tossed around during their spars with mbj, but they do so with sparkling eyes. they limp to qian cao peak with grins on their faces. mu qingfang realizing theyre are starting to be like the bai zhan disciples. mqf lights an incense for himself
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