A bit of feedback from recent discussions I’ve had with Westminster MPs. One who I won’t name said “Mike, you’ve moved from being a somewhat fringe figure to being mainstream & in the vanguard”.
Put another way: numerous MPs know of & agree with my position on the virus.
Isn’t that great? I don’t know how many MPs hold this view, but Clare Craig FRCPath & I, who hold fundamentally the same view, have each briefed a decent handful of people & of course they talk (& we always give them a reading list). I’m guessing we’re looking at a few dozen.
The very bad news is: they’re not going to do anything because they’ve no power. None of them can speak to Hancock or the PM. Their calculus is Dec 2nd is a lost cause (because Labour wouldn’t put Boris out if he was on fire) but maybe they can have a crack in mid-January.
I’m appalled. It’s taken months but having persuaded a number, I can’t tell you how crestfallen I am that it makes no difference. I was speaking a few days ago to another politician, saying “I’m concerned we’re sliding into totalitarianism”. Their reply: “We’re already there”.
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