Every year I’ve had twitter, I’ve done a day of remembrance 26 days before the worst day. Maybe it’s because we’re in a new home but I didn’t realize we were so close.

I’ll do a name a day, with a few extra today. Thank you for learning about my daughter’s friends + educators.
Charlotte Bacon, 6.

In her honor, her family wrote two books. Here is the link. You can remember Charlotte by learning about her.

Ana Grace thought it was SO funny her friend’s last name was “Bacon”. https://www.gooddogsgreatlisteners.com/ 
Jessica Adrienne Rekos, 6.

Jessica is an extraordinary little girl beloved by a large, beautiful family.

In her honor, her family set up this: http://www.jessicarekos.org/ 

It is how they wish her remembered. And how families want their loved ones remembered absolutely matters.
Olivia Engel, 6.

When I don’t know how a family wants their loved one honored (especially a small child) I just say their name and lift up their family. Like a prayer.

Olivia Engel, 6.

One more family for today:

Avielle Richman, 6.

Avielle is bright light in this world. Her parents are researchers. In Avi’s honor they set up the http://Aviellefoundation.org  to identify the underpinnings of violence.

Jeremy Richman, 49.

We lost her dad by suicide in 2019.
Today’s remembrance:

Caroline Phoebe Previdi, 6.

“A blessing from God”.

I remember Ana talking about Caroline at home and how much she looked forward to playing with her.

In Caroline’s honor, her family established:

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