“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions” - 2 Timothy 4:3 // I think many of us have applied this danger in the modern age to prosperity preachers...
...and other “feel good” teachers (the inspirational moralists of the attractional church). And it *does* apply to the allure of those types. But not sure as many of us saw it applying to politicians and political pundits and social media conspiracists. But it most certainly does
Many professing believers are filling their ears with voices that simply tell them what they want to hear — affirming their grievances, confirming their suspicions, stroking their idols, stoking their anger.
The “facts don’t care about feelings” crowd has fallen into the feelings trap. Some pastors and other leaders are among them. We were warned about this, but we do it anyway.
It’s time to wake up. Shake off the ear-scratchers. Reality is hard and requires hard things from us but it’s far preferable to wasting time chasing illusions and role-playing in the sinful world’s epistemological fog.
Jesus only deals with us on the playing field of reality. Join him there. Listen to him. His way is narrow but he — ABOVE ALL — can be trusted.
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