Been watching the S*a matter unfold & only have these points to make:

1) Internalized ableism can manifest in ways that does damage both internally & externally (in creating ableist, harmful projects).

2) Hollywood's love for cripping up stories is a travesty that has to end.
3) You cannot "speak" for a community that you have zero respect for.

4) Failing to acknowledge the harm your body of work has done displays a lack of awareness and a rampant ego at play. Both are incredibly dangerous.
5) Disabled people should not have to "be nice" when there's representation will do harm; or push a narrative that leans into tropes, and does nothing to dismantle the misperceptions about our actual lives.
6) Consulting and retaining disabled talent is a PRIORITY, not an option. It's not "hard" to find us; it's whether it's important to YOU to do the work in searching and ensuring that we are leading the project that is being created.
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