imagine being motta’s wife, she’s gonna have fun the most but also very high rates of headaches.
imagine being farida husband, you’re gonna overthink a lot cause nobody knows if farida actually loves you, she won’t tell. she’s gonna be a great mother tho.
imagine being ziad’s wife, “imagine” is they keyword because you’re definitely something of ziad’s imagination. jk jk, you’re gonna laugh a lot but you’ll also need to be rich because he spends so much money on hash and pizza.
imagine being donia’s husband, did she ever agree with you on anything? also, clean for yourself, cook for yourself, and take care of your own children because donia is not getting off that couch.
imagine being monira’s husband, you have to be bill gates or pablo escobar to keep up with her spending but other than that, you’re gonna be really spoiled, except when she’s not in the mood for you (and no there’s no exact way you could know when that’ll be)
imagine being habiba’s husband, did you decide that for her or did she actually say yes? get ready for some delicious food and some of whatever you want because habiba’s too naive. also, most of your money will be spent on food, shoes, and fruits.
imagine being hanya’s husband, man how did you get so lucky? food, fun, beauty, conversation, understanding, who do you think you are to get all that? oh right, you only get it when hanya’s awake, which is once in a blue moon.
imagine being jamila’s husband, you’re truly lucky as fuck but also, do you also see her once every 6 months?
imagine being salma’s husband, why are you not divorced yet?
imagine being my husband, how did you get me to commit? and are we not talking right now because i need space to recharge my social battery?
imagine being karim’s wife, do you do anything other than eat, talk, and party?
imagine being ziad’s wife, how’s the second wife doing?
imagine being zozza’s husband, i’m sorry she named your daughter nefisa, we had a deal. I’m also sorry to tell you she’s cheating on you with another girl, that other girl being me.
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