hi!! so i decided to give 2 STAYs VOD access!! :)) i know it's not much but yeah :D

> rt to spread
> open and rt the tweet I'll link below
> reply ss for proof + #StrayKids_Beyond_LIVE #Unlock_GOLIVEINLIFE

ends: 11/22 11am PHT
⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://twitter.com/ilovedrumyes/status/1329205245654646786?s=19
guys i got the timezones all mixed up, this giveaway ends 12 pm KST !! sorry for the confusion... i was fueled by caffeine last night sksjxud
oh btw to those who don't know, VOD is Video On Demand! this is the replay of the concert :D
GA CLOSING IN 30 MINS!! :D i just wanna thank everyone who helped me spread the project for a cause my friend is hosting :) i wish i could all give you access to the concert because all STAYs deserve to watch the boys later. i will reply with winners in this thread too!! +
so keep posted and best of luck to everyone!! :)))
You can follow @feelxsunshine.
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