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9 Phenomenal VS @Code Extensions Every Developer MUST Have

#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #JavaScript #DEVCommunity @DevComIN

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ᐉ CodeSnap

CodeSnap is an extension similar to carbon.​now.​sh which creates eye-candy screenshots of code directly in Visual Studio Code that can be shared on the web.
ᐉ Settings Sync

Settings Sync will allow you to upload your VSCode settings as a @GitHub Gist which can later be restored. If you are someone who keeps switching computers or has multiple operating systems on the same computer. This extension is a must.
ᐉ CSS Peek

CSS Peek is a life-saver if you have a huge #CSS file. It allows you to quickly peek at a CSS file by selecting a class or ID of an HTML element.
ᐉ :emojisense:

Who doesn't love emojis? Emojis in code are fun and useful at the same time. :emojisense: lets you quickly insert emojis in your code or comments by leveraging the built-in VSCode IntelliSense.
ᐉ Sort lines

Sort lines will sort lines either alphabetically or by line length. This makes code look much better and easier to read. I assign the shortcut F9 and use it to sort CSS rules by line length.
ᐉ colorize

Are you a web developer? This extension helps you visualize color codes directly in Visual Studio Code helping you find mis-colorings directly in your code editor. It is a must-have if you write a lot of CSS.
ᐉ Path Intellisense

Path Intellisense is useful to every #developer. Often times, we have to link CSS files, import JavaScript files etc. When the project is big, it's a pain to manually find the path of the file and then link it properly.
ᐉ Emmet Live

Most developers write HTML. Emmet is an extension that lets you write #HTML quickly! With Emmet Live you can see what exactly does the Emmet code produce and most importantly it is super cool when you want to show off.
ᐉ cdnjs

cdnjs, as the name implies lets you quickly find CDN links to popular libraries and inserts them automatically. This reduces that one "switch to @googlechrome, and search the web" thing to make your coding workflow faster.
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