🇳🇱 has been one of the most liberal countries in the world for for centuries & assisted suicide/euthanasia does takes the liberal logic of absolute individual autonomy to its ultimate conclusion, but it leads to a situation like this, which doesnt sound very liberal at all.
When you introduce things like laws to permit assisted suicide/euthanasia what you need to bear in mind is that these laws appear to have a tendency to grow arms & legs (concept creep.) https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-54538288
This is an essential read on the slippery slope that appears to have taken place in regards to assisted suicide/euthanasia in Holland (even if it is from 8 years ago.)

9 years ago, I should say, not 8 years ago.
Harold Shipman would have loved these kinds of decisions Im sure.
(Written in 2015) ‘ In the past five years, the number of euthanasia and assisted-suicide deaths in the Netherlands has doubled, and in Belgium it has increased by more than a hundred and fifty per cent.’ https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/06/22/the-death-treatment
‘Although most of the Belgian patients had cancer, people have also been euthanized because they had autism, anorexia, borderline personality disorder, chronic-fatigue syndrome, partial paralysis, blindness coupled with deafness, and manic depression.’
‘In 2013, Wim Distelmans euthanized a forty-four-year-old transgender man, Nathan Verhelst, because Verhelst was devastated by the failure of his sex-change surgeries; he said that he felt like a monster when he looked in the mirror.’
‘In Belgium, euthanasia is embraced as an emblem of enlightenment and progress, a sign that the country has extricated itself from its Catholic, patriarchal roots.’
‘In Oregon and Switzerland, studies have shown that people who request death are less motivated by physical pain than by the desire to remain autonomous.’
‘Last year, thirteen per cent of the Belgians who were euthanized did not have a terminal condition, and roughly three per cent suffered from psychiatric disorders.’
‘In Flanders, where the dominant language is Dutch, euthanasia accounts for nearly five per cent of all deaths. (The percentage is lower in the southern, French-speaking parts of Belgium.)’
‘The suicide rate in Belgium (excluding cases of euthanasia) is the second-highest in Western Europe.’
‘Since Ulteam {a clinic for patients who have questions about ending their lives. In the} opened, in 2011, Thienpont said it has been “overrun by psychiatric patients”—a phenomenon that she attributes to the poor quality of psychiatric care in the country.’
‘De Wachter believes that the country’s approach to suicide reflects a crisis of nihilism created by the rapid secularization of Flemish culture in the past thirty years. Euthanasia became a humanist solution to a humanist dilemma. “What is life worth when there is no God?”’
‘He recently approved the euthanasia of a twenty-five-year-old woman with borderline personality disorder who did not “suffer from depression in the psychiatric sense of the word,” he said. “It was more existential”’
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