What's going to happen to all the streaming services, Pelotons, Amazons and DoorDashes of the world once Americans are broadly vaccinated?

Probably not a lot. This week I tallied all the reasons why the "Stay-at-Home" economy is here to stay.

(🧵thread) https://www.wsj.com/articles/four-reasons-the-stay-at-home-economy-is-here-to-stay-11605934806
2. Families, too, have invested in the services and gadgets to keep their members safe and sated while sheltering in place.

I.e. if you think people will go back to gyms after spending $2,000 on a Peloton, we need to talk about the sunk cost bias. https://www.wsj.com/articles/four-reasons-the-stay-at-home-economy-is-here-to-stay-11605934806
3. Our habits have changed: Many people have gotten over the “hump” of adopting new technologies earlier than they otherwise might have. A survey by McKinsey concluded 10 years of e-commerce adoption were compressed into 3 months of the pandemic. https://www.wsj.com/articles/four-reasons-the-stay-at-home-economy-is-here-to-stay-11605934806
Finally, the "stay at home" economy doesn't work without a whole heck of a lot of people to deliver those services and goods.

America is still down 10 million jobs. But hundreds of thousands of permanent workers have been added at companies like Amazon. https://www.wsj.com/articles/four-reasons-the-stay-at-home-economy-is-here-to-stay-11605934806
My greatest worry about our new "stay at home" economy is it further reifies Americans into ever-more-polarized haves and have-nots.

People with salaries v. people with hourly wages they can lose after even a minor injury.

Convenience has a price. https://www.wsj.com/articles/four-reasons-the-stay-at-home-economy-is-here-to-stay-11605934806
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