The core of the TRA movement, is to make ridiculous claims.

Humans can change sex.

Females can have a penis.

Males can have a vagina.

Males can give birth.

I kid you not, there are adults who actually believe this. 1/
But for goodness sake, don't point out the error in that thinking, with the backup of biological reality, and factual sciences. Otherwise you're a bigot, and of course, a transphobe.

The whining screech of "Transphobe", from the delicate little flowers, like those below.../2
is the call for silencing those with a differing opinion.

The fact that the different opinion is air tight and fact, doesn't matter. If you don't fall in line and do as the genderwoowoo crowd are telling you, you must be silenced.

And they call us fascist.
I'm very likely to be suspended for this Tweet, purely for stating facts.

But those of my followers who don't get involved in this discussion, please be aware that this platform will ban and suspend people for stating these facts, which are neither hateful or bigoted, but.../4
simply facts.

Whereas threats of violence, rape, and death, are allowed to remain. It was only very recently that the disgusting MAPs were shut down on here.

Political parties and large companies are falling over themselves to jump on the genderwoowoo bandwagon, all while.../5
pushing the stealthy removal of hard fought for, women's rights.

Ask them, "What are trans rights?"

99% of the time you want but get a response. Other times it's, "the right to exist", or "the right to be themselves". Both of which they already have.

But they want more.../6
,they want it all.

They want access to female spaces and sports, do your daughter's will have to compete against males.

Your female family members will not be entitled to safe spaces, like public toilets, changing rooms etc.

And if you speak out. Yep, Transphobe!..../7
I appreciate some don't want to get involved, but this will affect everyone.

Trans remembrance day was very recent. And more women are killed through male violence, a year, than trans people have in a decade.

But no remembrance for them. Just a muzzle.
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