Hot Take: Why Kanata is the best character in AAside and you all are cowards: a thread

Feel free to soft/hardblock me if you disagree, no hard feelings
1. Tareme eyes. Do I even have to explain those eyes are extremely moe
2. Hairstyle. See above
3. Is popular and acts friendly. Like lbr if a guy like Kanata tries to befriend you and you don't know the baggage behind him you'd definitely befriend him. And he will try to befriend you. The only reason you wont is bc you have baggage
4. He shows respect to his senpais! A good boy!
5. He has cute decor! Please let him have like a street fashion set it would be very good
6. Very laidback. With few exceptions, he'll vibe with you
Ok heavy topic incoming (Kanata's obsession and his relationship re: Haruka)
7. His obsession with Haruka is probably caused by the fact that Haruka was the only constant in his life, back when he was little and lonely. He's also heavily implied to have some sort of mental illness that causes him to... not have the best headspace.
7 cont. I agree that he might not be the best brother to Haruka but you need to acknowledge that Haruka isn't the best brother to him either. You can argue that it's because Kanata changed but please consider that we don't know much about their backstory and Haruka being-
-the catalyst to Kanata's change is not impossible.
8. Kanata isn't perfect. He's a bastard. He might even be able to be considered evil. But he's important to some people out there. People who feel guilty over their obsession, they can project onto him, his feelings, and experience catharsis without actually harming anyone-
-they know and love. He's fucked up, and that's okay. He's a way for fucked up people to let themselves go without hurting people they care about.
9. Unlike a lot of characters in AAside, the issues underneath his obsession is... extremely subtle. You might not be able to see it, and that's okay, but there are people who take the time to analyze him and understand what makes him tick. It's all headcanons at this point but-
-admit it. We play A Lot with headcanons right now. People doing it to Kanata isn't any different from people doing it to Shuu, or Haruka, or Misaki, or anyone really.
10. He might get development. Now, where this development might go, who knows. But I know he will.
Bonus: Lbr he's behind some of Haruka's best moments. Haruka screaming in frustration? Haruka in dread? All Kanata. Everyone say thank you Kanata
Ok I'm sorry I called you all cowards, I'm not excusing the harm he did to Haruka, and I understand if Kanata isn't your cup of tea, or even if you hate him! I just want you to understand that there are people who find him fascinating, or lovely, or even comforting.
AAside is full of characters that appeal to different subsets of people, and Kanata is no exception.
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