Some men, if not most, tell y’all that they don’t want kids or rather kids with you and women defend it by “you should’ve used a condom” or “you knew when you went in raw”. Now here we are faced with a situation that was discussed during pregnancy.
Don’t force someone’s hand to be a parent when they aren’t ready and turn around and call them a deadbeat.
“For the sake of the child” is something you should’ve thought about when he said he doesn’t want a kid.
Men speak about these things but women defend ka “my body, my rules”. If a man says he doesn’t want a child and you do. Then keep the child and leave him out of it. Bitter pill mara ke nnete.
Leave him and focus on your child. Now you spend half the child’s life sad coz your trying to create a bond a man tell you he doesn’t want. You keep disappointing your child over a man that doesn’t want to be a father
Myeke. 1 day o tla jika. That’s if he does.
Again. You asked for the truth and that’s it. Ska kwata
There won’t be a relationship between a child and a father if you force it.
This nigga is gonna hate the child more if you take him to maintenance court over a child he didn’t want
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