Pathological medical quiz

➡️Gourmet edition with a pinch of history!

Three (3) questions.

1/ Anchovy paste can be used to add a savory, umami quality to dishes.

Which type of infection can mimic this yummy sauce?
2/ Coffee beans are essential for the treatment of somnolence induced hyerpcaffenemia in some people.

Which of the tumours do NOT typically contain these groovy beans?
3/ Oat cell carcinomas are not a result of a diet lacking in whole-grains.

The term was first used in 1935, and initially linked to overexposure of what?
1/ Entamoeba histolytica

Described as an odourless brown coloured pus seen in amoebic liver abscess.

➡️Fun fact: Entamoeba histolytica, was discovered by Friedrich Losch in Russia in the stool of a Farmer in 1873.
2/ Urothelial carcinoma

Fitz Brenner (not relation to Max), described these cells in, well..., Brenner tumours (although it wasn't named by him). It was described in the article Das Oophoroma folliculare.

?Maybe he had a number of late nights writing this article.
3/ Asbestos

First described in the article “A case of oat-cell carcinoma of the lung occurring in asbestosis” by S Roodhouse Gloyne it discussed a patient with asbestosis and this tumour.
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