Guys, the people who are putting KPLC out of business are not small scale installations. They are Commercial and Industrial. I'm very wary of what the sudden optimism in solar means for the sector. It could easily translate into distrust in solar in 2 years if not done correctly.
Component based systems (solar panel+battery+charge controller kando kando) are good if done correctly but things get tricky pretty fast if not. Now I'm thinking that my white paper on everything that could go wrong and how we can mitigate against it should happen sooner.
In the meantime, don't rush into a solar installation if you're a household. The biggest selling point for households is most likely not the bills. They will reduce relative to KPLC but payback might take time depending on the system and your consumption.
The biggest selling point for you as a household is reliability. And trust me, that's a massive deal. Imagine a world where you can stockpile food in your fridge without worrying about a blackout. That mathe talking about her kesha puts this point across better.
So yeah. Definitely go solar. But in typical me fashion, I tell you to do it well. Don't cut costs on the installation please. Don't do your own installation unless you're the installation technician (my goodness!). Battery ya gari si ya solar etc etc
Oh, EPRA is reviewing licences but what you're looking for is:
T1 Licence - 100Watt p - DC only (in layman terms this means no inverter)
T2 Licence - 300Watt p - AC system (an inverter that can't feed to the grid)
T3 Licence - >300Watt p (All system sizes)
Wattp is the size of your panels combined. Ask them. The licensing structure is under review coz anyone with knowledge of elec can see how it currently isn't optimal. Anyway, EPRA has an great team in their Renewable Energy department. So this will be done.
And this thread is referencing quality. Not really cost. They are related with cost being a factor in quality. But so much more goes into quality than just cost.
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