Come for me if you want but I remain grateful as hell to @robertberens @Merecuda and @andrewdabb for Castiel’s journey. And I refuse to see it as a bury your gays story because it is really is not. It’s a story about finding out who you are and that being enough. It was enough /c
for Cas to be able to say to Dean, I love you. I’ve been afraid to say it. I’ve been holding it back. I’ve been hiding this part of me and I understand now that I’m doing a disservice to myself by doing that. And so I can tell you now and I can have that be enough because I am /c
letting myself be the whole me. And that’s enough. You don’t have to validate me. I am already valid. The happiness is in not hiding it anymore. The validity, the happiness, the peace all of that comes from inside not outside. And does that not resonate with us? And then not /c
only does he not stay dead he goes on to become immensely powerful. Powerful enough to build heaven and to build it as a love letter to Dean. He built a home for Dean to come to. A place where he could be truly happy and then he waited for him there. They ended up together. /c
Just because we didn’t see it doesn’t make it not true. They ended up in the same place. Do you really think they could stay away from each other in paradise? They couldn’t stay away from each other in Hell. And now listen to me, this was a gift. This was a gift you know these /c
writers fought for. Don’t you tell me that Bobo and Meredith don’t care about Cas and Dean. They did everything they could to give us as much as they could. I believe that. So I’m grateful and hope they know how much this story meant to me. It was a lot. This got long and /c
ramble-y which is really on brand for me but truthfully this story has been so deeply personal to me that I just really needed to say this. The happiness is in just saying it after all. /e
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