Wife knocked out and I’m at the sports bar.

Figured I’d throw some eCommerce thoughts out (thread)
1. Qualitative data is just as important as quantitative. What your users are saying helps tell what they are doing. Raw KPI increase/decreases don’t tell the whole story.
2. The code matters just as much as the UI. Optimize constantly - technical debt is technical death. Fix the items customers can’t see to build the features they can.
3. Simplify as much as possible. Make actions simple and intent understood. Barriers can be used to slow down to help users understand selection.
4. Apps are a growing revenue stream but big ticket costs are still low converting - how can you put them at ease for every big conversions decision?
5. Don’t try to solve for everything - build and release, then let customers help you iterate on your next steps
Just my thoughts - debate if you want. Just be in your customers shoes, it’ll pay dividends.
You can follow @Akhil_Anumolu.
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