No. How is this a question.
I'm not going to QT anyone in my mentions, but folks have got to get over the fantasy that Nazis will change and come over to the side of good because they learn a magical lesson about kindness. That doesn't happen.
I know it's a compelling fantasy that you'll hand a MAGA hat your dollar and he'll notice your Still-With-Her!! t-shirt and have an epiphany, but that's a fantasy that movie writers sold to you in order to make money.
What he's actually going to do, AT BEST*, is thank you politely and then go right back to killing people with less privilege.

(*The worser case is that he calls you a slur while he takes the dollar, then goes right back to killing people et cetera.)
People leave hate groups en masse when it becomes socially toxic to be associated with them. When being part of that hate group means being shunned and hated by everyone else.

Your dollar, your "niceness", just lets them continue to hate in comfort.
I strive always to be kind, but kind and nice are not the same thing. Being nice to Nazis isn't kindness, because that niceness allows them to continue to hurt people like me.
"No, you can't have my dollar because you belong to a disgusting hate group" is a much more effective lesson than "yes, you can have my dollar because I luvey-wuv you and I hope you can luvey-wuv me too someday."
For folks to believe that MAGA people are only MAGAs because they haven't experienced human kindness from a Democrat is just so infuriating to me.

You DO know that almost every MAGA hat wearer has a Democrat family member, right? You think we just haven't been nice enough?
EITHER you believe MAGA hats spring forth fully grown into a bubble that includes no Democrats, no people of color, no one not like them OR you believe that us marginalized folks do exist in their lives but have just "failed" to be nice enough to magically convert them. Which?
Because if your crumpled dollar bill in the Wal-Mart checkout lane is enough to MAGICALLY bring them to the side of good, then you must think us queer kids who've begged our parents in tears to PLEASE see us are really shitty because we couldn't muster magical niceness. Ever.
You're saying, with your little fantasy of the Dollar Bill That Changed Everything, that racists have NEVER EVER been shown a moment of kindness from a person of color. Because if they had, they would've had their epiphany already, yeah???
But no! You, the white stranger with your Still With Her shirt, the moderate, the MAGA-whisperer, YOU will show them the life-altering kindness that we were just too short-sighted to offer them.

Fuck you and fuck this insulting fantasy.
If you want to give a dollar to my torturers because you have a policy of giving to anyone who asks, fine. But don't fantasize that your niceness will change them. Because that fantasy erases the many people who've already been nice to them and were hurt for our trouble.
Ah, I see we've reached the "but I *believe* in the comforting fantasy over the experiences of people with real life practice deprogramming people from hate groups" portion of the argument.
Several folks don't know how quote tweets work and want to answer the OP's question in my mentions.

To those of you saying yes: Maybe don't tell me, personally, that you're willing to buy a burrito for people who are trying to make me dead.
Starting to get to me how many people need me to know that they'd dip into their pockets to buy lunch for a hate group member who is momentarily inconvenienced by not having the correct change on him.
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