1/ Turns out the #PizzagateSA guy is a 36 year old international student and while the finger is being pointed at the man and being blamed for whats being called a harsh lockdown and an overreaction by the SA state and premier my question is how can someone live on $319.20 a week
2/ The average rent in Adelaide per week is $55 higher than what a student can earn on minimum wage for those 20 hours of work. Pic below.
#PizzagateSA #Covid19SA
3/ The average rent in Adelaide of a share house per week is $162.50 which leaves a total of $156.70 from those 20 hours of work. Pic below.
#PizzagateSA #Covid19SA
4/ The average spend on food by a single person in Australia is $91 per week which leaves a total of $65.70.
Pic below.
#PizzagateSA #Covid19SA
5/ The average spend on (gas/water/electricity), (phone/internet) and (student travel) in Adelaide per week is (at it's lowest) $80 leaving the student -$14.30 to find to require the basics in life to keep their heads above water.
Pic below
#PizzagateSA #Covid19SA
6/ Yes i agree the student has lied and done wrong, but wasn't he and other students backed into a corner under the examples above?
#PizzagateSA #Covid19SA
7/ If truth be told the system is broken and an international student without financial support from elsewhere other than their 20 hour per week job won't survive.
#PizzagateSA #Covid19SA
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