COVID Update November 21: There is a big ugly COVID divide in this country.

Plus some fascinating distractions. Anyway...1/
On one side of the divide, you work in the service sector, & are a renter, this is COVID:

-You were forced to work,
-12 million job losses
-no paid medical leave
-Student loans, eviction, unemployment protections— all disappearing
-multiples higher death rates 2/
At the end of the year all those protections disappear. Likewise, if you are an independent contractor, you lose access to unemployment— unless Congress acts. 3/
They are now calling any potential bill that would provide relief to folks by a nickname— “the Loeffler-Purdue” act.

Why? Because Loeffler and Purdue (both Georgia senators) care about these people?? 😂😂😂😂 4/
Loeffler and Purdue do care about people. Seriously. Two people. One named Loeffler, the other named Purdue.

To be clear. Loeffler cares about Loeffler and Purdue cares about Purdue. So maybe that’s not 2 people. But 1 person twice. Anyhoo...5/
The REASON any COVID package is called “Loeffler and Purdue Act” (for simplicity just call it “the Insider Trading Act”) is that the only thing McConnell will consider passing in relief to our frontline service workers is something that helps the Insider Trading bunch. 6/
That’s right. Today’s political landscape: Mitch McConnell won’t recognize a national election and won’t give relief to millions who need it— unless it helps two felons.

Yeah. That’s where we are. 7/
And McConnell’s GOPAnon has had time for exactly 2 things— approve judges AND hold a hearing yesterday on the vital topic of Hydroxychloroquine. 2000 people died yesterday and that’s where they are. Anyway... 8/
On the OTHER side of the divide (sorry I got distracted...), there is the Melania Trump crowd

Housing prices up 6%.
Stock market up
The goods economy— well off people buying shit they don’t need— is growing double digits.
All employment recovered. 9/
In this part of the economy, people are doing so well that their only problem is the annoying complaining of other people. 10/
People are buying cars, taking trips, loading up on stuff from Amazon like that waffle maker that makes margaritas that you just have to have. Go ahead treat yourself Tiffany. 11/

I’m mean there are thing you didn’t know were necessities until they became necessities, amirite? Anyway... 12/
See, for the service worker, this pandemic has ALWAYS sucked. They have to look at half-maskers, listen to the COVID deniers, sleep on couches because they can’t isolate.

Like health care workers & people with illnesses, this sucks.
For the other crowd, this is bad when it gets to them.

“Sorry your dad’s in the hospital but I can’t go to Applebee’s.”
— That’s not even close to a literal translation of something anyone has said to me, but it’s damn close to what someone conveyed on my wife’s FB page. 14/
I have no problem with people wanting to go to Applebee’s. I’m sure that’s very common because of all the great apples they are famous for.

Anyway... 15/
It’s just we’re not EXACTLY all going through this together. I mean we were for a week when everyone had their sewing machines out. And then a week passed and a bunch of people were basically like “I’m bored. Besides, I’M not dead so this isn’t real.” 16/
“But what about all the people in nursing homes?”

“Oh, Just protect them.”

“Uh . . . OK. And, uh, people in jails? And homeless shelters? And farm workers? And processing plants?”

“What? Sorry. I just super-pissed. There’s a 2 week wait for this thing I really need.” 17/
Whoa! Donald is president for life. And Black people in Detroit and Philadelphia and Atlanta can’t figure out where to vote! And Michigan electors are at the 4 seasons. And COVID is a hoax because White people aren’t getting it. And hydroxychloroquine works.18/
Its going to be a long number of years for people who Trump promised he would serve several more terms to.

Anyway, got a good feel for why we’re so politically divided is that we’re a little to reality divided. /end
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