Your body will start using itself and its stores as energy.

That's why this disease is so deadly. If you consume 800 Calories and burn 300 or 800 (doesn't matter) Calories, your body is still going to find energy stores (by taking it from somewhere else) to perform at your bmr.
7100kJ= 1697 Calories
5900kJ= 1410 Calories

This is JUST the BASE # of Calories y'all's bodies ARE USING to survive. This is not your TTDE & DOES NOT CARE if you consume this # of Cals or not. Desite not eat this # o Cals your body IS using it to do base functions like cell resp
This is why low restriction is so dangerous. Y'all should AT LEAST eat at your BMR toavoid doing lasting & deadly damage to your body/organs. Eat above your BMR and below your TDEE to lose safely.
Please please please please pleaseeeeeeee 😪
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