Rather than spend munny while waiting for Cyberpunk, I'm finally just gonna go through my library of games I bought on sale but never got to.

Anyway, I'm starting SHADOW OF THE TOMB RAIDER.
Okay we just went from a dangerous intense vague situation to a "Two days earlier" title card (a not good trope) but this one takes the cake by just jumping to ANOTHER dangerous intense vague situation.

This is nothing, folks.
O H N O. It's throwing mountains of info like “Now we know what trinity wanted!” / "good thing your fathers notes” but we have absolutely no context for any of this / this dramatizes nothing... this is going to be like one of those things where I'm going to lose my mind isnt it?
These game likes impaling you on metal poles so much it's literally still the death animation for when you clearly fall in normal ass water.
Two characters are screaming at each other as sad piano music plays and virtually none of this is motivated.
It's now back at the opening crash scene that prompted the "two days earlier"and flash back to other ... there was literally absolutely no reason for this... You can always tell people are just pretending when they're moving around various scenes/textures with no rhyme or reason.
This just makes me sad-

Fuck it. I'm buying HADES.
HADES is incredible (such simple ingenious use of mechanics and level design and addictive as hell) but my joy con drift has gotten so bad it's basically unplayable. Blurgh. Gotta get it fixed.
Annnnnnnnd I ordered a pro controller. Just the only way to play it without waiting a long time for repair!
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