We should set up a bracket of the most frequently wrongly explained laws. Top seeds: CDA 230, HIPAA, RICO, and... what's the 4th?
Looks like FISA is probably the final top seed, though there are some good suggestions to fill out the other 60 slots (no, I don't think I'm really going to do this, so stop encouraging me).
There are lots of other good suggestions, but many of them are not laws per se, but legal concepts (or Constitutional amendments). Perhaps I should expand the rules to cover them as well.
Dammit. I might really need to do this. Is their some app that lets you do this? Or should I do it by Twitter polls? What have I gotten myself into?
Looks like I have a Thanksgiving week project to sort out. Stay tuned for something in early December I guess.
You know, when I started this thread 2 days ago "with prejudice" was certainly not going to make the bracket. Now it's rapidly moving up the seeding charts and may be a high seed.
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