The United States is really just one of the worst fucking places to live.
I’m trapped in a huge death cult that believes basic human kindness is socialism and socialism is fascism even though the bunker is crumbling and our leaders are murdering us.
Our mass shooting epidemic is waiting patiently for our coronavirus epidemic to be over. Everyone works 100 hours a week to pay off the interest on our shitty college education where we learned what a quatrain is and how to snort Adderall. Everything is poisoned including us.
If you want to have a baby that’ll be $30,000 up front and you have to work from the delivery room. It is always election season. We have more guns than people and they’re all owned by a couple thousand skinheads in Washington state. If you get sick you have to sell your house.
Jake Tapper is on television. Just a bleak, godless place.
I forgot the worst thing which is that it’s full of people who love the United States.
Look the tweet doesn’t say the rest of the world is great, just that the US also sucks. Living in the imperial core has its benefits but we’re not happier here. You can pin me as an ignorant US leftist but insisting the rest of the world is an unlivable shithole isn’t solidarity.
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