What are your favorite diagetic source music in Star Wars?

I'm want to write a short review of each one.

"Mad About Me" is an uptempo good time and among the catchiest on this list. I give it a solid A
Next up is the Modal Nodes' less-popular, less overplayed B-side "Dune Sea Special." I think I like this one better! It's got more time for solos, and I feel like I could dance to it more easily.

A+ (this is likely not the top of the scale)
We'll finish off the Modal Node's almost-eponymous "Modal Notes."

It's great to hear the band back on top of their game with what should definitely become a Jizz standard in it's own right. "Sultry" seems the right word to describe it.

Oh, plus @heybrucewright reminded me of this remix of "Mad About You," called "Mad About Mad About You"

The remixed percussion and dynamics in this version certainly improve it's danceability. Certainly a good way to revive a classic.

"Lapti Nek," as performed by The Max Rebo Band featuring Sy Snootles is harder to find these days than it should be.

This song makes me uncomfortable and wowed in equal measure. Sy's shouted, pitchy vocals dance aggressively above the funky bassline.

Rebo also seems to have performed the song on other occasions with another singer. I like this instrumental better (evidently not under the stress of playing under duress for a Hutt), but without Sy's vocals, it misses the mark for me.

Around the same time (😉), we get the subversively titled "Jedi Rocks" by The Max Rebo Band feat. Sy Snootles & Joh Yowza

While critically panned as excessive, and in-your-face, I actually like it quite a bit. It shows TMRB has a broad range of styles

And while on the subject of Max's broad range, I believe he was classically trained, and occasionally could be convinced to perform pieces such as this recital he gave in Jabba's palace.

It's good if you're into that sort of thing.

"Galactic Dance Blast" is the last Max Rebo Band song I could find, and this one is a reconstructed bootleg, and seems to consist mainly of one verse loop.

If it were complete, this song might get a better rating. There's just not enough to go on.

As a side note, I penned some huttese lyrics for "Galactic Dance Blast," under the title "Kesselleesta Blizz" about being sold to the Spice Mines of Kessel.

In case you wanted to sing along https://twitter.com/AurekFonts/status/1257100753669242880
For fans of Sy Snootles, "Moulee-Rah" by Fytee features JB Snootles, who captures that raw, shouting roughness of Sy. I love it.

[I will do all the mental gymnastics necessary to call this diagetic. Rian Johnson posted it on his soundcloud]

"The Ultimate Jedi Who Wastes All the Other Jedi and Eats Their Bones" is a folk song probably written after the great Jedi purge.

More Max Rebo feat. Sy Snootles! (Thanks @Magna_Tolvan)

Another practically-lost performance of an unknown song.

Not Sy's best performance, but a welcome surprise to be sure!

"Sugaan Essena" is a driving, heavy, durast song, that'll kick you in the throat. Recommended for podracing to.

Here is a translation for Earthlings (who speak Mongolian)
Let's take a break from popular music.
I know of two arrangements of The Imperial March:

First "Glory of the Empire," which was performed on Empire Day in some regions.

Setting aside politics, I still think this arrangement is too brash for my taste

The second arrangement, used in Empire recruitment broadcasts, is more evenly arranged.

I have no love of the Empire, but this arrangement goes down smooth. Remember: You are not immune to propaganda.

A+ (I give the Empire an F)
Let's wash away that foul taste with some songs that were used celebrated victories against the Empire and other oppressors.

Sung by Endor-native Ewoks, "Yub Nub" was remembered fondly by all who were present.

It was later translated into Galactic Basic, but this version did not do nearly as well. It is much less poetic than the original, I think

Other victory songs were heard in various places throughout the galaxy as news spread of the Emperor's demise. This one is incredibly sentimental and touching. I grew up with it.

Moreover, it is singable by many species of varied vocal tracts.

From an earlier era, "Augie's Great Municipal Band" was performed in a parade on Naboo to mark a reconciliation between it's two largest populations, the native Gungan's and the Human Naboo.

Energetic and full of life, love, and joy.

While on the subject of Gungans, how about a Gungan drinking song?

"Una Duey Dee" has lyrical verses, a rousing chorus, and a frantically energetic coda.

Also, it's great to hear proper Gungan used so proudly!
"Yocola Ateema" is a great drinking song for new learners of Huttese, as it uses relatively few words.

Yocola ateema!
Yocola ateema!
Chowbasa mikiyuna!
[Welcome everyone!]
Ateema yocola!
[Now drink!]
"Batuu Boogie" by Chaka Mater Laka and MW-59 is not my cup of tea. But I've heard it's a local favorite on Batuu.

Maybe I would connect more with it in that cultural context, but for now it gets a C.
You know what is my cup of tea though?

"Goola Bukee" by Zano, ft. YS-5755

The Huttese title, as I'm sure you know, means "Bad Boy," and they're not playing around. Zano absolutely brings it, YS-5755's binary rap verse kills.

"Droid World" by Sentient 7 and the Clankers is a controversial song, as it is supposed to have caused numerous droid rebellions, leading to widespread bans.

Me? I think it bops.

@bagelpriest suggested "Ton'yy Rho's Uglejig"

It's certainly catchy enough to be stuck in my head. I would love to see the uglejig that one would dance to this.

It's solid ambient music for a courtyard or marketplace.

@oogew suggested "Doe Azalus Ootmian," and I can definitely dig it! I wish I was a little more fluent in Huttese, so I could hear a little more about the dangerous outlander she's singing about. But I love the emotion!

@oogew also suggested this Huttese Feast of Prosperity song. It is gaudy, and self important, which is probably a positive for Hutt culture.

For me, the highlight of this piece is the low horn melody! It's got some cool modal interchange going on!

It seems I missed yet another Sy Snootles performance.

"Da Hutt Moda" shows off some of Sy's less aggressive lower range. The resemblance of this performance to acts like the great Liwwie T'tocs, though pleasant, also leaves it wanting.

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