a thread of questions for antis to answer! (quote tweet)

[a pic of someone touching grass since you love to do that apparently]

feel free to skip some of this if it makes you uncomfortable
were you ever a larrie? if so, why did you unlarry? if you're not, have you ever looked into it or did you decide you didn't want anything to do with that?
do you think they've had any relationship that was pr/stunt?
if you are straight, do you know what polari is?
if you are queer, have you ever said you're straight?
what do you think about the fact that the words "im straight" have never come out of louis' mouth but the words "im gay" have?
what is too young about?
do you know who rbb & sbb are? what do you think about them/what do you think they represent?
who is sweet creature about?
do you believe in babygate? (believing in babygate = believing he's a dad)
what do you think happened in dallas 2012?
do you hate larries or do you just not believe in larry?
do you have "nsfw / minor" in your bio?
who was in the vip box? (camille was in the pit)
is there any “proof” that you saw and thought it might be real? if so, which one?
do you read larry fics?
have you ever shipped or thought some of your friends might be in a relationship?
if you are neurotypical, have you ever used ableist terms? do you know what ableist terms are?
cw / death

have you ever told someone to kill themselves or sent death threats? be honest (telling someone you'll drink their spinal fluid, etc. counts)
if harry stared at someone like this would you think he has a crush?
thoughts on briana?
why do you think they've never denied it?
why did niall panic this much if louis was just tired?
what do you think about the wellington video?
do you actually know what our theories are or do you take our jokes as theories?
pls rt so it gets to more people
how many fancams do you have?
do you stan both of them, just one, or someone else?
do you consider yourself an anti or neutral?
thoughts on this?
for context on this pictures! they were posted with less than 24 hours in between. it can take around six to eight sessions to get it removed and you have to wait six to eight weeks between sessions :)
which would mean to get it removed the first picture would have to be taken around a year ago

do you know the context to the "i am in fact straight" tweet or do you just go by the words?
ps: by the denied it i meant clearly said it. "there's no truth to it" or "i wouldn't tell someone they are wrong" is not denying it clearly
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