Maybe we're all just worn thin from Trump's chaos, or maybe it's the frog-boiling-in-water phenomenon. But I can't get over that it's not breaking news every day how complicit Republican leaders are in Trump's lies about election fraud + efforts to undermine democracy.
It's been 2 weeks, and there are only 5 GOP senators who have said Biden won or referred to him as president-elect.

That leaves the remaining 48 GOP senators complicit in Trump’s efforts to undermine people’s faith in democratic institutions to try to make it look like he won.
That's crazy.
Most (all?) of these U.S. senators know better than to echo Trump's lies. They know what he's saying is not true. They know better than to cast doubts on this election.

So why are they doing this?

Fear. They don't want to alienate Trump's base. At the cost of hurting democracy.
Some are repeating lies about voter fraud.

Some are backing Trump's baseless lawsuits.

None are objecting to Trump summoning Michigan GOP leaders to the White House today for a meeting aimed at subverting the democratic process that handed the state to Biden.
Still, I can't decide which is worse: Republican senators echoing Trump's straight-up lies about fraud, or senators sort of suggesting that Biden won but then leaving the door open to fraud.
Like here's Sen. Lamar Alexander today. He's trying to have it both ways by appeasing Trump’s ego but vaguely acknowledging how reckless the current situation is.

Biden won the election. He knows this. And yet....
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