Autistic Moods: A Non-Exhaustive List
1. I would like to know more about *rolls dice* octopodes today.
2. These neurotypicals use so many words.
3. It's not that I don't like you, 45 minutes is actually a really long time for me to spend at a party. It's just that I really need to get home to my *rolls dice* Dwarf Fortress game.
4. *rips bong*
5. Did someone say they wanted to know more about *rolls dice* travel in South America? I happen to maintain several wikipedia pages and a subreddit on the topic...
6. I did a thing today and I'm tired, that means I don't have to do another thing today. Ask me about your thing tomorrow, or maybe never.
7. *reading*
8. Preparing to ask a neurotypical a question, trying to anticipate all the ways that the interaction could go wrong.
9. That thing that you just said? It's wrong and it doesn't make sense. It would be better if you sai-- hey, where are you going?
10. *spends forever just touching a nice texture*
11. This thing reminds of that thing in a way that nobody will understand if I try to explain it so I'm just going to enjoy this secret symmetry quietly.
12. You mean I have to solve the Food Problem again today? I just ate yesterday! Argh!
13. The twitter app moved a button.
14. These neurotypicals aren't using nearly enough words.
15. Who DARES to disrupt my ROUTINE?!
16. Have you ever, like, reeeeeeally thought about *rolls dice* words and how they work?
17. I really, really need you to stop talking. Right now. I'm trying to look at this *rolls dice* bug.
18. I can't wait to eat the same thing for dinner tonight that I had last night and the night before that!
19. You just gave me WAY too many details and I have no idea which ones I was supposed to be treating as important and which ones were just you making mouth sounds.
20. I would prefer not to.
22. I'd like to apologize for getting angry. I didn't realize how upset I was until afterwards. I didn't mean to yell.
23. That satisfaction that comes from remembering to wear your noise canceling headphones when a siren roars past.
24. Well, I tried, but this person is committed to misunderstanding me so I'm going to stop explaining myself now.
25. Meeting a fellow neurodivergent weirdo in the wild and immediately recognizing a kinship as you exchange information.
Just want to say that if this thread speaks to you there's a good chance you're one of us! Swing by the Neurodiversity Party discord to meet your people! :)
26. I'm trying really hard to pay attention to what you're saying but I can barely hear you over the feeling of this drop of sweat on my leg.
27. Why am I the only one to notice this really important detail?
28. Errm, am I the only one that didn't notice this really important detail?
29. SOMEONE in this building is wearing lavender perfume, so that's my day shot.
30. This neurotypical is looking at me like they want something but none of their words said that. Sigh. Time to reverse engineer what they actually meant before they get impatient and upset at me.
31. Someone told me they found my info-dump helpful!
32. Learning new ontologies and taxonomies is just fun, okay? Putting things into categories lets me think new kinds of thoughts. Don't ask me to explain it.
33. The day you realize you can stop carrying all the shame people put on you for not being "normal" and just be who you are unapologetically.
34. Hmm. That’s funny, one of the ten thousand details I just consumed feels... wrong.
35. Discovering you're autistic as an adult.
36. Why is everyone so annoying and loud oh wait I forgot to eat again.
37. Well, I was sleepy 30 seconds ago but then something Caught My Attention and now it's going to be One Of Those Nights isn't it?
38. What? I’m fine I’m just dealing with some triggers that would take me an hour to explain, don’t mind me, carry on.
39. Making a highly structured schedule for tracking my time and resources is *satisfying*...
40. ...and it's so frustrating when my comorbid ADHD makes me ignore all of that structure in pursuit of expediency.
41. I know the answer to your question and even understand how to explain it to you, but I also know that there's no way I'll be able to finish the explanation before you get frustrated so I'm just going to say "I don't know".
42. When you discover spreadsheets.
43. "You need to last-minute cancel our plans today? No, no, don't apologize, I'll manage somehow..."
44. Error. The system is currently busy. Please submit your query again at a future time.
45. Something is wrong but I don't know what it is. What I do know is that I can't relax. I've either forgot something important, or am neglecting a need, or someone moved a thing in the kitchen and it's bugging me subconsciously.
46. "You don't look autistic" isn't the compliment you think it is, random person who I trusted to disclose to.
47. It’s April and your timeline is filled with #AutismAcceptanceMonth content instead of #AutismAwarenessMonth content.
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