Citymaker/urbanist friends who've been doing multiple speaking engagements, webinars. Are you getting paid for these? I feel like I've produced more content this "virtual" year than regular conference years, yet everyone's expected me to do so for free...
Am I just missing out because I'm not valuing myself? I feel like this is common among Latinas & WPOCs? Or are you guys also doing this pro-bono? Sorry if I'm saying what's supposed to be the quiet part out loud, but I've had but 1 group this whole year ask me to provide my fee.
It's hard because I feel, well, it's exposure, it's marketing, it's biz dev, I own a startup. But I also have a Ph.D. And have valuable, innovative knowledge & insights that push people in a way they need to be pushed, IMHO. So, any advice for how to properly value this & myself?
Thank you for any thoughts/advice! 🤓🤓💕🙏🏼🤓
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